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Energy Paintings of India

Energy Paintings of India Visualization

Unlock the full power of your subconscious mind  with Energy Paintings of India from Leaders' Choice. Our  EPI installations are the perfect tool for open eyes visualizing and achieving your goals for a powerful future. Designed to empower you both physically and mentally, our installations combine the vibrant energy of Art and Colours with cutting-edge of Neuroaesthetic and Neurographic principles to create a one-of-a-kind experience. With a focus on personal growth and empowerment, we are committed to helping you create the life you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about Energy Paintings of India and how they can transform your life.

Enhance Your Well-being with EPI Contemplation

Welcome to our sanctuary where we delve into the transformative practice of open-eye meditation. In this neurographic EPI art experience , you'll uncover the secrets to cultivating inner peace, sharpening your focus, and nurturing a profound connection with the world around you. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, a boost in mental clarity, or simply a deeper sense of well-being, open-eye meditation offers a path to holistic harmony and self-discovery.

What is EPI ?

Energy Paintings of India is a unique form of art that blends contemplative painting with Neurographic Art Principles, offering a transformative experience for its viewers. Unlike traditional paintings, these artworks are designed to help individuals set the ambiance for contemplation with their eyes open. Through vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and purposeful strokes, Energy Paintings stimulate the senses and facilitate a journey inward.

One of the key aspects of Energy Paintings is their ability to evoke positive mental imagery. As viewers engage with the artwork, they are encouraged to explore their inner landscape, fostering feelings of peace, inspiration, and tranquility. This process not only aids in lowering stress levels but also promotes deep focus and emotional processing.

Moreover, Energy Paintings serve as powerful tools for envisioning one's future. By immersing oneself in the artwork, individuals can channel their aspirations and desires, gaining clarity and direction for their path ahead. Whether it is through meditation, reflection, or simply admiring the beauty of the artwork, Energy Paintings offer a holistic approach to well-being, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit.

Energy Paintings of India

Why EPI Contemplation ?

EPI Open-eye meditation invites you to embrace mindfulness with eyes wide open, allowing you to stay fully present and engaged with your surroundings. Unlike traditional meditation practices that involve closing your eyes, EPI open-eye meditation offers a unique opportunity to merge inner tranquility with external awareness. By maintaining a soft gaze, you can cultivate a sense of calm amidst the chaos of everyday life, fostering resilience and serenity in the face of challenges.

Drawing from Neurographic Art principles, Energy Paintings guide the viewer on a journey of self- discovery and emotional release. By engaging with these artworks, individuals can navigate their innermost feelings and aspirations, ultimately fostering a sense of clarity and purpose. Whether it is channelling stress into creativity or envisioning a brighter future, these paintings serve as catalysts for personal growth and transformation in the bustling tapestry of modern life.

Energy Paintings of India

Benefits of EPI Contemplation

  • Heightened Awareness: Experience a deeper connection to the world around you as you learn to observe without judgment or distraction.

  • Improved Focus: Sharpen your concentration and enhance your ability to remain attentive and engaged in the present moment.

  • Reduced Stress: Release tension and find solace in the gentle rhythm of your breath, cultivating a sense of inner peace and relaxation.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Unlock your creative potential by tapping into the boundless inspiration that flows from a mind at ease.

  • Better Decision-Making: Gain clarity of thought and perspective, empowering you to make informed choices with confidence and clarity.

  • Seamless Integration: Incorporate mindfulness into your daily life with ease, carrying the benefits of meditation wherever you go.

Tips for effective  EPI Contemplation ?

             When you're ready to begin meditating with your eyes open, these simple tips will help guide toward a more effective practice.


Choose a quiet and comfortable space

              Find a place where you can sit or stand peacefully without many distractions—it’s important to feel relaxed and undisturbed during your meditation.


Maintain a relaxed posture

               Sit or stand in a way that feels natural and comfortable. Keep your back straight but not stiff. This helps you stay alert and focused throughout your meditation session.


Set a timer

              Decide how long you want to meditate and set a timer. If you’re new to open-eye meditation, try to practice for just a few minutes at first. Anticipating the timer and knowing there’s an end point can help you stay more relaxed and focused during the meditation.


Focus gently on a point or keep a soft gaze

              Either pick a point to softly focus on or simply let your eyes be open without focusing on anything in particular. The goal is not to strain your eyes but to maintain a relaxed gaze. Notice your breathing


Pay attention to your breath.

              Feel the air moving in and out of your nose or mouth. This can help anchor you in the present moment and keep your mind from wandering too much.


Be aware of your surroundings without getting distracted

              Acknowledge the sounds and sights around you without letting them carry your attention away. This can help enhance your awareness and presence. 

Energy Paintings of India
Energy Paintings of India
Energy Paintings of India

Start EPI Contemplation ?

Begin by finding a comfortable place to sit or stand. Any place where you can be relaxed and alert will work. Whether you choose to sit on a chair, on the floor, or even stand, make sure your posture is upright and balanced, as this helps you stay alert throughout your meditation.


Take a few deep breaths Before you start, take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale slowly, then exhale even more slowly. Doing this a few times helps settle your mind and body, preparing you for meditation. 


 Breathwork helps you ground and center yourself during meditation. Try Reset with the Breath, a short practice to help calm your mind.


Soften your gaze Let your eyes relax and your focus soften, maintaining a gentle gaze in front of you. You’re not staring intently at anything—you’re letting your eyes rest gently on a point or just keeping them open without focusing too hard. This could mean looking at the floor a few feet in front of you or letting your gaze fall on a spot that doesn't have too much visual distraction.


Choose a focal point or keep a soft focus Some people find it helpful to choose a single point to gently rest their gaze on. This can be a small object or a specific spot in the room. Others prefer a soft focus, where the eyes are open but not fixed on anything in particular. Experiment with both methods to see what feels right for you.


Observe your thoughts When you find your mind wandering, know that it’s normal and okay. Simply notice your thoughts and gently bring your focus back to your breath or your chosen focal point.  Learn how to observe and let thoughts go, and why it’s important, during the EPI Contemplation . Stay present and return to the moment The essence of open-eye meditation is returning to the present moment again and again. Each time you notice your mind drifting, gently guide it back. This act of returning is where the meditation happens. It's a practice in being present and attentive, both during meditation and in your daily life.


Tune into your body with a Body Scan meditation, which can help you return to the present while remaining aware of your body and mind’s natural impulse to stray.


Close with gratitude As you finish your meditation, take a moment to feel grateful for the time you spent in this practice. Acknowledge the effort it takes to meditate and be thankful for the opportunity to develop mindfulness and presence.  Make gratitude a daily practice.

Join Our Community

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth with our supportive community of fellow EPI Contemplation enthusiasts. Share your experiences, insights, and challenges as you explore the transformative power of open-eye meditation together

Start Your EPI Conteplation Journey Today:

Take the first step towards greater well-being and inner harmony by incorporating EPI open-eye meditation into your daily routine. Join us on this path of self-discovery and embark on a journey towards a more mindful, balanced, and fulfilling life.

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